Extended Standard Grants (V4EaP)
The aim of the Extended Standard Grants within theV4EaP program is to support medium-term projects of strategic character that significantly contribute to providing access to the unique experience and know-how of the Visegrad Group countries with the processes of democratic transformation and integration and with regional cooperation. The Extended Standard Grants are meant to support reform processes, political association and economic integration with the EU, strengthen the institutional capacity, contribute to the development of civil society and the overall transformation of the Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine).
Projects submitted to the fund must involve grantees and project partners from at least three V4 countries and a single EaP country. Projects are solicited through publicly available calls for proposals. The overall budget for the program in 2014 (more than €1.3 million) consists of financial contributions from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands and Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Sweden.
Deadline for submissions:
12 o’clock noon on Monday, September 22, 2014
On-line application form: http://applications.visegradfund.org/Login.aspx?t=8192
More information:
Call for Proposals: (66 kB, doc)
Rules:http://visegradfund.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/download/v4fund_rules_v4eap_ESG.pdf ( 66 kB)
Guidelines: http://visegradfund.org/v4eap/guidelines-eap/
Contact persons:
Lenka Bučková: [email protected]
Ferenc Jári: [email protected]
Denisa Pussová: [email protected]