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Statement of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine in regard to 20th anniversary of signing the Budapest Memorandum
06 December 2014 19:42

On 5th of December Great Britain, Russian Federation and the United States of America signed in Budapest the Memorandum on providing security assurances in regard to Ukraine’s signing the NPT as the non-nuclear state.

Countries – signatories of the Budapest Memorandum took obligations to sustain from the military threat against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine.

During 20 years of participation in NPT, Ukraine was thoroughly implementing all articles of Budapest Memorandum and was also taking an active stand in negotiations in the sphere of nuclear nonproliferation. The example of continuous position of our state in this sphere particularly has become the proclamation on Washington nuclear summit in April 2010 of the decision to refuse from the use of highly enriched uranium.  

Along with that, in 2014 Russian Federation violated taken obligations, particularly, occupied the sovereign part of Ukraine (Autonomic Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol) and launched the military aggression against Ukraine.

Therefore, there in not only doubt concerning the security assurances by nuclear states regarding the specific state, but the dangerous precedent is created, when the state, which guaranteed the safety to Ukraine in reply to the refusal of nuclear weapon barefacedly violated its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Such acts aren’t only the open aggression against Ukraine, they are the threat to the whole international system of nuclear safety and disrupt the regime of nonproliferation of weapons of mass destruction as a whole.

In the day of 20th anniversary of Budapest memorandum we call upon the states – guarantors of the safety of Ukraine to perform urgent steps in order to restore the territorial integrity, sovereignty and peace in Ukraine and also to start practical discussion of issues of legally binding security assurances to the states, which took or are planning to take the historical decision regarding the refusal of nuclear weapons.

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