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President at high-level meeting of UN General Assembly: We need international mechanism of responsibility to protect rights of IDPs
20 September 2016 16:36


President at high-level meeting of UN General Assembly: We need international mechanism of responsibility to protect rights of IDPs


President Petro Poroshenko emphasizes that unprecedented waves of refugee and migrant crises have become an important test for humanity - over 250 million people are driven by different fate to flee their homes.

“This global crisis requires our shared responsibility and concerted efforts. Today I would like to express my strong solidarity with those who were forced to abandon their homes, against their will,” the President said in the course of his speech at the high-level meeting of the UN General Assembly addressing large movements of refugees and migrants.

The Head of State stressed that the foreign aggression and state-sponsored terrorism were the enemies of humanity in many parts of the world. “Russian armed aggression forced about 1.8 million Ukrainians to seek a new home within the country, placing Ukraine in top ten countries of displacement,” Petro Poroshenko said.

According to the Head of State, all efforts of the world community will be in vain, unless the very origins – foreign aggression and violation of international law – are addressed.

“We have no right to turn a blind eye on bombardment by Russia of civilian facilities in Syrian Aleppo or in Ukrainian Donbas. This is not only about the observation of humanitarian principles,” the President emphasized and noted the necessity bringing a state that violates international law and fundamental freedoms forcing civilians to leave their homes to justice.  

“We need such an international mechanism of responsibility as soon as possible together with an international binding framework to protect the rights of internally displaced people,” the Head of State stressed.   

“So far, we have consistently demonstrated commitment to protect all them. An appropriate framework was set in place to secure their social needs, to provide access to healthcare, education, and to employment opportunities. Our dedication has prevented additional significant influx of refugees to Europe,” the President noted.

The President thanked all governments and humanitarian partners for supporting Ukraine in such a difficult time. However, he noted that Ukraine “cannot continue in responding mode”. “We need a lasting solution by ending Russian aggression against Ukraine,” he said.

The Head of State emphasized the importance of political declaration adopted today providing us with an inclusive framework for further cooperation and coordination of international efforts. It rightly addresses the key issues of human mobility, including the need to combat xenophobia, discrimination, human trafficking.    

He reminded that Ukraine had been one of the first European counties to criminalize the human trafficking as far as back in 1998.  

Petro Poroshenko urged to ensure adequate humanitarian financing to bridge the gap in funding humanitarian needs. “We also welcome the fact that the Declaration is laying foundation to address the needs of internally displaced persons. It is our political and moral obligation to protect and support them,” the President said.

It is also time to reestablish the position of a Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General on IDPs, as stated by Petro Poroshenko.  


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