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President's address to the new Verkhovna Rada: From the Revolution of Dignity to the Country of Dignity
28 November 2014 19:28

President Petro Poroshenko took part in the opening of the first session of the newly elected Verkhovna Rada of the VIII convocation. The Head of State addressed the Parliament with a message "On the internal and external situation of Ukraine".

According to the President, Ukraine has received a unique chance "given by the responsible Ukrainian people to our state after electing the pro-European constitutional majority to the Ukrainian Parliament for the first time".  "Our task can be explained with a simple formula: to avert the threat and use the chance," Petro Poroshenko said.

The Head of State urged to use the unique opportunities opened by the Revolution of Dignity. "The Revolution of Dignity, heroic resistance of Ukrainians against aggression, the return to the path of democracy – all this has raised the international authority of Ukraine to the incredible height. This authority, the faith of the world in the potential success of the Ukrainian project, the readiness to assist in its implementation must be converted by us in a broad inflow of foreign investments in the Ukrainian economy, which together with the hard daily work will begin raising the social standards of Ukrainians to the level of the European standards," the President noted.

Speaking of the relations with the new Parliament, the President said: "I am a reliable ally of the Parliament in the implementation of reformatory, pro-European coalition agreement. I will be guided with the Constitution of Ukraine, which clearly, or relatively clearly, distributes powers and responsibilities. I will do everything possible for the coordinated work of Verkhovna Rada, the President and the Cabinet of Ministers".

Speaking of the law on the National Anti-corruption Bureau that will soon enter into force, the President offered to appoint a foreign person as head of the given bureau. "This person will have one advantage – absence of ties in the Ukrainian political elite," the Head of State emphasized.

"Our policy must be aimed at gradual movement from the country of the Revolution of Dignity to the Country of Dignity itself. I want you to remember those who sacrificed their lives for Ukraine every time you enter this hall. It is also related to me when I enter the administration on Bankova Street. You must remember those who died hundreds of kilometers away and those who died a few blocks away from here, on the Heavenly Hundred's alley. You must also remember those who are alive and need efficient governance, successful reforms, developed economy, social guarantees and justice," the President called on the people's deputies.

The Head of State noted that Ukraine had faced such challenges and threats for the first time since the World War II and the post-war massacre of the Ukrainian national movement

The President called the main challenges the lack of reliable external security guarantees, total corruptness of the state apparatus and judicial system, unemployment, poverty and social injustice that will be definitely used by the enemy for the purpose of destabilizing the situation in Ukraine.

Petro Poroshenko emphasized that the most important thing for the government and the country was to be united. "Gospel teaches us that the kingdoms divided from inside will fall. So let us be united, for the moment to unite in a struggle for Ukraine has come," the President said.

The Head of State noted that challenges had united the country. "Shaky ideological balance, in which Ukraine has been balancing between East and West for 23 years, has been replaced with a full clarity. Almost 100% of people stand for the united country. Constitutional majority of Ukrainians wants the country to be unitary, not federative," Petro Poroshenko said.

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