On March 2, 2015 in Geneva the High-Level Segment of the Conference on Disarmament (CD) began its work with the participation of senior representatives of over 30 Conference Member States, including Ukraine represented by Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs Sergiy Kyslytsya.
During the corresponding debate, among other things, the need to preserve the relevance of the CD was discussed, as well as the necessity to focus on key issues of its agenda and the importance for States to show flexibility in their foreign policy priorities to ensure the beginning of this Forum’s substantive work in 2015. Participants of the event, in particular, note the pertinence of extending the consultation process on the CD’s Program of Work and express hope for the successful carrying out of the 2015 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) to be held in April-May this year.
In his speech Ukrainian high-ranking official confirmed the commitment of our country to the objectives of general and complete disarmament and non-proliferation, as well as its willingness to support international efforts on elaborating the Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty.
Given the blatant violation of the Budapest memorandum by the Russian Federation he underlined the urgency to accelerate endeavors to create a new universal legally binding document which would provide effective security assurances for non-nuclear States Parties to the NPT.
S.Kyslytsya strongly condemned Russia's aggression against our country, confirming Ukraine's commitment to realize the Package of Measures to implement the Minsk agreements of February 12, 2015. He informed about the start of withdrawal on February 26, 2015 by the Ukrainian side under the supervision of observers of the OSCE Special monitoring mission of heavy weaponry from the line of contact with the supported by the Russian Federation terrorist groups in the Southeast of our country and stressed the need for Russia to respect its relevant obligations.