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Poland endorses the provision of the visa-free regime for Ukrainians by the EU
15 December 2015 19:22

The Ukrainian President thanked the President of Poland for his firm position in support of Ukraine in the issue of the visa-free regime for Ukrainians.

Poland is a leader among the EU countries in terms of visas for Ukrainians. According to Petro Poroshenko, it demonstrates Poland’s support for the European integration aspirations of Ukraine. Such an openness of Poland should be an example for other EU member-states, as stated by the President.

The Head of State noted that the issue of the visa-free regime would be among priorities of his visit to Brussels on December 17-18. The President informed that the Ukraine-EU “mini-summit” would be held with participation of President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Council Donald Tusk and three European Commissioners responsible for the most important vectors of reforms in Ukraine.

According to the President, Ukraine will make everything possible to receive positive conclusions in the issue of the visa-free regime for Ukrainians. “We do not see any problems in this issue. All 28 countries of the EU demonstrated support for the visa-free regime. It is another degree of freedom for Ukrainians,” the President emphasized.

Andrzej Duda expressed support for the European integration of Ukraine and the visa-free regime for Ukrainians. “I would like the Ukrainian-Polish border to be reliable, convenient and modern,” he said. At the same time, the President of Poland stated that the border should not be a wall or an obstacle for Ukrainians.

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