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Виступ заступника Міністра закордонних справ України Данила Лубківського під час брифінгу в Українському кризовому медіа-центрі
Опубліковано 14 квітня 2014 року о 16:30

Ukraine Crisis Media Center, 14 April 2014

Ladies and gentlemen,

My best wishes to you on this cold April morning.

Let me brief you on international aspects of the war that is being waged on Ukraine.

Russia went over to second stage of the war.

Now, they undertake a covert operation in Ukraine’s East.

They stick to the same routine as in Crimea.

First, they recruit and arm professional military.

Second, they deploy them on Ukrainian territory.

Third, they hire local radicals to pose as the “pro-Russian forces”.

Fourth, they try to make it look like a turmoil coming from beneath.

But it’s not. It’s not a grass root movement. It’s a full-blown foreign aggression on Ukraine.

There are valid proofs of Russian “special-ops groups” being deployed on the ground.

One thing is abundantly clear: these are NOT Ukrainians.

These are professional Russian militants.

Many of the militants are outfitted in bullet-proof vests and camouflage uniforms carrying Russian-origin weapons. Some of the faces have been recognized from Crimea. Saboteurs with Russian citizenship have been apprehended. We have multiple interceptions of radio traffic among Russian military units. All of this was reported to the United Nations yesterday.

Ukraine is fighting back.

There an anti-terrorist operation going on in Ukraine’s East.

Russia thinks it found a foolproof way to conduct a war – you just don’t call things by their names and flatly deny the truth.

Today Russia imports terrorism into Ukraine.

Harboring former officials who ordered fire on protesters in Kyiv and against whom international sanctions were imposed is particularly cynical.   

Last night Russia had the audacity to call for the UN Security meeting thinking that the world might believe Kremlin propaganda. It does not.

Not one state supported Russian claims.

Kyiv does not use firearms against peaceful protesters. Ukrainian Armed Forces and police protect Ukrainian people against the next wave of occupation of Ukraine.

The Russian Foreign Ministry threatens to call off meeting in Geneva later this week under the pretext that Ukraine oppresses “people protests” in the East.

Kremlin tries to shift the responsibility.

Russia’s prestige and moral integrity have been lost.

Ukraine will move forward.

We will hold the presidential elections.

The law enforcement renovation is underway, local patriots continue to enlist, as they cannot remain indifferent.

The Government makes every effort to restore confidence in the authorities.

The nation is consolidated by the aggression.

We will make the next step towards true national unity through responsible governance and strong democracy.

I thank you.

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