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Виступ Заступника Міністра закордонних справ України Данила Лубківського під час брифінгу в Українському кризовому медіа-центрі
Опубліковано 29 квітня 2014 року о 16:37

Ukraine Crisis Media Center, 29 April 2014

Ladies and Gentlemen,

  • Today whole Europe is a battleground.
  • Yesterday the United States and the European Union expanded a list of companies and individuals against whom sanctions are exposed.
  • This step should provide an additional pressure to stop Russian aggression.
  • Too often financial hardships in Europe forced to compromise for the sake of well-being.
  • We turned the blind eye on where the money came from, who controls financial flows and what activities are financed.
  • Guided by the European values, Ukrainians struggled for dignity and against criminal economy.
  • Today is time for our European partners to follow our example.
  • The crisis with Russia gives us a chance to improve our economic strategies.
  • Cleanse of the European business is the best investment into the European future.   
  • I just returned from Washington and New York where I had very efficient meetings in the US State Department, United Nations, with leaders of Jewish organizations and primary think tanks.
  • Ukraine is being heard and does not fight alone.
  • We have discussed the crisis agenda and ambitious plans of our strategic partnership.
  • Good practical results have been already achieved for our citizens. Another significant response to Ukraine’s aspirations is introduction of 10-year U.S. visa for Ukrainian citizens.
  • We continue a dialogue with Jewish organizations globally on eliminating any manifestations of anti-Semitism, xenophobia and intolerance.
  • Ukraine appreciates solidarity and support from the Jewish community.
  • Further support is needed.
  • Ukraine is strongly committed to accomplishing its part of the Geneva arrangements.
  • The Cabinet has already launched the process of local government reform and decentralization of state power.
  • The Government promises amnesty to those who surrender weapons, free illegally seized administrative buildings and did not commit capital crimes.
  • Dialogue between East and West of Ukraine is underway with a memorandum to be signed between all political forces.
  • The OSCE Monitoring Mission and representatives of parties to Geneva dialogue had an opportunity to visit Kyiv Administration and witness that Maidan activists vacate the premises.
  • Ukraine’s steps on implementation of Geneva statement are recognized by the OSCE monitors.
  • The East still remains a trouble spot with civilians being threatened and attacked.
  • Russian terrorists refuse to surrender arms.
  • Nothing can justify the recent capture of the OSCE inspectors. It clearly indicates that Russian separatists have no intention to fulfill Geneva agreement.
  • They have no real political agenda. They simply execute orders from Russian authorities.
  • All-European security is threatened by Moscow as it cynically breaks the principles of the Vienna document on confidence and security-building measures.
  • According to Chapter III of the Vienna document, Ukraine invited the Russian Federation to consultations on the issue of maneuvers of the South and West defense commands.
  • Russia refused falsely objecting that this Chapter cannot be applied to the situation on our Eastern borders.
  • As a party to the Document Russia agreed to “consult and co-operate … about any unusual and unscheduled activities of their military forces outside their normal peacetime locations which are militarily significant… and about which a participating State expresses its security concern”.
  • Concerns of our country are justified and understandable.
  • Ukraine encourages Russia to straightforward and open dialogue under European confidence-building measures.  


  • In Washington DC and in New York I have delivered our key foreign policy messages:
  • We have to ensure strong solidarity between our American and European partners, including Ukraine.
  • We have to elaborate a comprehensive long-term strategy on Russia.
  • And we have to be guided not only by political thinking, but by moral compass of our common values.
  • We should be strong. Ukraine will succeed.

Thank you.

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