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Joint conclusions of the EU-Russian Federation-Ukraine ministerial meeting on the effects of implementation of the EU-Ukraine AA/DCFTA
Опубліковано 12 липня 2014 року о 01:32

Based on the decision agreed by Presidents Barroso, Poroshenko and Putin to extend the EU-Russia bilateral consultations to Ukraine about the possible economic effects of the EU-Ukraine АА/DCFTA (Association Agreement including a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area) on Russia, a trilateral meeting of Commissioner K. de Gucht, Russia's Minister of Economic Development A. Ulukayev and Ukraine's Foreign Minister P. Klimkin was held in Brussels on 11 July. The three participants, drawing on the preparatory work of experts in both bilateral and trilateral context agreed on the following:

The liberalisation of trade under the EU-Ukraine AA/DCFTA will modify the trade and investment conditions in the Ukrainian market.

While the new trade arrangements are aimed at creating positive economic effects for all parties involved, their implementation could entail some potential economic risks between Russia and Ukraine, including for economic operators.

In order to deal with any such potential risks, and to create favorable conditions for the trade and economic relations, the participants agree to launch a consultation mechanism with primary focus on technical regulations, standards, customs administration, conformity assessment procedures and sanitary and phytosanitary measures, etc. arising from the implementation of the AA/DCFTA.

Russia will circulate a list of precise concerns/potential risks by 20 July 2014.

Based on this list, bilateral consultations will be conducted at expert level in order to exchange views and search for possible solutions to such concerns/risks. They will clarify which risks could be addressed bilaterally and in which cases the involvement of the EU would be needed. In such cases EU experts would join the bilateral process.

The experts will try to find solutions for as many concerns/risks as possible and will identify those issues which need to be discussed at higher level. As part of this work the experts will also clarify the urgency of the particular issues, taking into account, inter alia, the timelines foreseen in the AA/DCFTA.

Experts are tasked to produce a preliminary report no later than 1 September 2014.

The Ministers agreed that they would meet again on 12 September 2014 in Brussels in order to review the results of the experts' work and to discuss any possible solutions for such remaining issues where no suitable mitigating steps by the experts could be identified as well as any other issue of concern.

All parties confirm their readiness to engage in this process in good faith.

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